Mommy & Daughter Bedtime Routine

How many of you have a bedtime routine? Do you have a 10 step skin care routine that you do? Or maybe you like to meditate before going to bed. However you unwind is totally fine and looks different for everyone. Including my daughter and mine.

Before bed we brush our teeth, wash our face, put on face cream, and chapstick. And my favorite thing that we do is, say our bedtime affirmations. It’s pretty simple and quick. We look directly in the mirror and say out loud the following: “I am beautiful, I am strong, I am enough, I am worthy, I am smart and I love myself”. Then off to bed she goes. I usually stay up and get things done while she’s sleeping.

It is very important to me that I teach my daughter about self-care and self-love at an early age, so that as she grows into pre-teen, teenager, etc, she will already be equipped with how to love herself and will already be rooted in her own confidence. I grew up not loving myself at all. It wasn’t until my adult years that I finally started loving what I saw in the mirror.

I don’t blame my mother for not showing me how to love myself, because…well you should already love yourself. But I do strongly believe that if she had me say positive things about myself to myself, I would have had better self-esteem growing up. So that is why I’m breaking the generational curse and I’m teaching my toddler how to speak life & positivity over herself. I will always give praise to my child when she does something right, but I also want her to feel proud of herself as well.

It’s easy for others to compliment and give praise, but can you reciprocate that back into yourself? Can you also be the pourer when someone is pouring into you? You better believe you can! And you should! All. The. Damn. Time. I believe in lifting yourself up and being your own hype person REGARDLESS if someone in your life is already doing so. You gotta take control and pour into yourself as much as you can. It will build you stronger, mentally.

As my toddler gets older, our bedtime routine will change as she matures, but I will continuously keep the affirmations apart of her daily life. If you have children, I encourage you to practice self-care and self-love with them, it builds a child confidence up. I don’t want her seeking validation from anybody out here in the world. I want my baby to know that she already has all the gifts and tools she needs inside of her to take on this world and any obstacle that may come her way. What compliment did you give yourself today? Let me know in the comment section.

As always, stay safe, happy, and healthy.


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